NARCAP Investigator’s Support Paper 03 – 2010 Page 1 Jose Americo
A Pilot's View on Why Today's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Cannot Explain Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Jose Americo Medeiros1
April 2010
The principle of the statement in the title is based, partly, on one’s mental and visual
accommodation to technological advances over time.We add to our cerebral archives, even
without being aware of doing so, trends, concepts, and achievements of scientific work. So
when something becomes known [e.g., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)], nothing
impresses us so much. Likewise, nothing is completely unknown. There will always be at
least one reference, a note, a notice of an intention to warn us and make us design and
build, albeit incomplete, some image that approximates the reality. Indeed, we are fed by
universal and instantaneous mass media, by the global network Internet, and in some cases
by our sightings of actual UAP.
It is a fact that a UAV can be anticipated by such gradual mental and visual
accommodation even when observing the aerodynamic lines of new cars, new aircraft, and
the renewal of general designs in industry - without also forgetting literary fiction – each of
which notes and promotes the scenarios of future mankind. UAV are no exception to this
concept of evolutionary accommodation to the line of human technology.
Furthermore, as UAV continue to evolve and improve there will likely be no clear
identification that they represent conventional aircraft such as engine exhaust gases, noises,
1 Captain Medeiros is a retired commercial airline pilot with over 16,000 total flight hours. He lives in
Visconde de Maua, RJ, Brazil.
NARCAP Investigator’s Support Paper 03 – 2010 Page 2 Jose Americo
or control surfaces as ailerons and rudder. To the uninformed this will make them seem
more and more like UAP.
But UAV are still far from competing with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in
many respects. Consider the primary features of UAP: very high velocities, instantaneous
accelerations and decelerations, maneuvers unthinkable for the integrity of their materials
and components, their sudden appearance and disappearance, their capacity to get around
without disturbing or being disturbed by the surrounding air and meteorological activities
and, in most cases, a curious and intrusive presence in the paths of aircrafts.2 No UAV can
perform these things yet.
Reported electronic interference that appears to be associated with UAP are not rare:
they vary in degree. Whether UAVs con produce such effects is not known. Also, UAP can
be considered as an “outsider” by not considering the flight rules established
internationally. An example of this would be the separation between aircraft on airways,
unlike UAV, which can easily take into account such rules through its human
programming. So, while we don’t expect UAV to cause traffic conflicts (bringing serious
risks of collisions) UAP can and do!
Can our technology approach those of UAP someday? Certainly yes, but remember the
word "someday." Or do such machines already exist but have not been publicly disclosed? I
don’t think so. History has shown us that secret technological advances arrive slowly and
often in the form of sub-products "to the consumer's table." I assert that a UAP is still
uncannily, everything that can be produced (and even more) when we apply our most
advanced technology today, or I should say, within coming decades of scientific advances.
At this time I want to add something else that is extracted from my own sighting of a
discoid UAP while on final approach to landing at the Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de
Janeiro in 1971. What all four of us onboard saw took the form of something that, to me,
suggested an actual ship, that is, it had something akin to a cockpit, smooth solid body,
2 One such example (of many) was the 1977 Transbrasil Airlines flight between Rio de Janeiro and Sao
Paulo. A B-727-100 was object of curious and perhaps dangerous near-by flight maneuvers by
a luminous and large UAP. This event was reported by its pilots and Brasilia ATC Radar.
NARCAP Investigator’s Support Paper 03 – 2010 Page 3 Jose Americo
windows, and navigation lights.3 I never had any kind of UAP sighting of fireballs, so I
cannot include them in what follows. If a discoid-shaped UAP strongly suggests the
presence of an actual (physical) ship there must be an unknown element that, and in the
lack of a better definition, I could use the word "plasma" to better understand it. That is,
there is something unseen, but suggesting a UAP wrapped within a plasma (or something
ethereal) and this leads us to a concept as if they were like fish in an aquarium (consider
this not so much a metaphor) that is, as if existing in a reality beyond what we see through
the windshield of an aircraft.
This idea may shock our conception of reality, but nevertheless, it is still possible. I
know, for four of us saw one. Further, it definitely makes a UAP something that is not
clonable (at least at the present time), because we do not see this kind of characteristic
when we see other aircraft or celestial objects and certainly when a UAV isn’t present. So,
within these concepts a UAV can hardly be misinterpreted as a UAP by the eyes of an
expert pilot. The best suggestion that I can make is that crew members should always have
a camera ready to use and also follow the filed flight plan. Never approach any UAP
because we do not know its intentions.
3 This multi-witness sighting was investigated extensively by Richard F. Haines as part of his AIRCAT
research and an unpublished summary report was prepared.
A Pilot's View on Why Today's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Cannot Explain Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Jose Americo Medeiros1
April 2010
The principle of the statement in the title is based, partly, on one’s mental and visual
accommodation to technological advances over time.We add to our cerebral archives, even
without being aware of doing so, trends, concepts, and achievements of scientific work. So
when something becomes known [e.g., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)], nothing
impresses us so much. Likewise, nothing is completely unknown. There will always be at
least one reference, a note, a notice of an intention to warn us and make us design and
build, albeit incomplete, some image that approximates the reality. Indeed, we are fed by
universal and instantaneous mass media, by the global network Internet, and in some cases
by our sightings of actual UAP.
It is a fact that a UAV can be anticipated by such gradual mental and visual
accommodation even when observing the aerodynamic lines of new cars, new aircraft, and
the renewal of general designs in industry - without also forgetting literary fiction – each of
which notes and promotes the scenarios of future mankind. UAV are no exception to this
concept of evolutionary accommodation to the line of human technology.
Furthermore, as UAV continue to evolve and improve there will likely be no clear
identification that they represent conventional aircraft such as engine exhaust gases, noises,
1 Captain Medeiros is a retired commercial airline pilot with over 16,000 total flight hours. He lives in
Visconde de Maua, RJ, Brazil.
NARCAP Investigator’s Support Paper 03 – 2010 Page 2 Jose Americo
or control surfaces as ailerons and rudder. To the uninformed this will make them seem
more and more like UAP.
But UAV are still far from competing with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in
many respects. Consider the primary features of UAP: very high velocities, instantaneous
accelerations and decelerations, maneuvers unthinkable for the integrity of their materials
and components, their sudden appearance and disappearance, their capacity to get around
without disturbing or being disturbed by the surrounding air and meteorological activities
and, in most cases, a curious and intrusive presence in the paths of aircrafts.2 No UAV can
perform these things yet.
Reported electronic interference that appears to be associated with UAP are not rare:
they vary in degree. Whether UAVs con produce such effects is not known. Also, UAP can
be considered as an “outsider” by not considering the flight rules established
internationally. An example of this would be the separation between aircraft on airways,
unlike UAV, which can easily take into account such rules through its human
programming. So, while we don’t expect UAV to cause traffic conflicts (bringing serious
risks of collisions) UAP can and do!
Can our technology approach those of UAP someday? Certainly yes, but remember the
word "someday." Or do such machines already exist but have not been publicly disclosed? I
don’t think so. History has shown us that secret technological advances arrive slowly and
often in the form of sub-products "to the consumer's table." I assert that a UAP is still
uncannily, everything that can be produced (and even more) when we apply our most
advanced technology today, or I should say, within coming decades of scientific advances.
At this time I want to add something else that is extracted from my own sighting of a
discoid UAP while on final approach to landing at the Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de
Janeiro in 1971. What all four of us onboard saw took the form of something that, to me,
suggested an actual ship, that is, it had something akin to a cockpit, smooth solid body,
2 One such example (of many) was the 1977 Transbrasil Airlines flight between Rio de Janeiro and Sao
Paulo. A B-727-100 was object of curious and perhaps dangerous near-by flight maneuvers by
a luminous and large UAP. This event was reported by its pilots and Brasilia ATC Radar.
NARCAP Investigator’s Support Paper 03 – 2010 Page 3 Jose Americo
windows, and navigation lights.3 I never had any kind of UAP sighting of fireballs, so I
cannot include them in what follows. If a discoid-shaped UAP strongly suggests the
presence of an actual (physical) ship there must be an unknown element that, and in the
lack of a better definition, I could use the word "plasma" to better understand it. That is,
there is something unseen, but suggesting a UAP wrapped within a plasma (or something
ethereal) and this leads us to a concept as if they were like fish in an aquarium (consider
this not so much a metaphor) that is, as if existing in a reality beyond what we see through
the windshield of an aircraft.
This idea may shock our conception of reality, but nevertheless, it is still possible. I
know, for four of us saw one. Further, it definitely makes a UAP something that is not
clonable (at least at the present time), because we do not see this kind of characteristic
when we see other aircraft or celestial objects and certainly when a UAV isn’t present. So,
within these concepts a UAV can hardly be misinterpreted as a UAP by the eyes of an
expert pilot. The best suggestion that I can make is that crew members should always have
a camera ready to use and also follow the filed flight plan. Never approach any UAP
because we do not know its intentions.
3 This multi-witness sighting was investigated extensively by Richard F. Haines as part of his AIRCAT
research and an unpublished summary report was prepared.
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